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We at Britannia appreciate that as a homeowner, you will probably only undertake one major renovation of this type at your home, so, let us share some of our knowledge and expertise with you, answering some of the questions you might consider during your project
Do I need a Building Permit, and if so what does this involve?
Yes, all construction work of this type requires a Building Permit. We oversee and provide all of the required drawings, both Architectural and Engineered, as part of our package for your glass addition, and any other part of the construction process. Most municipalities and towns offer a swift turnaround, once all the paperwork has been submitted and design drawings agreed upon.
I think there is a problem with zoning or some other issue regarding my property and the lot?
It is common, especially in an urban situation for there to be by-laws restricting development. As part of our drawings package, we may need to submit to the town to ask for relief from a by-law (lot coverage, set-backs from the property line etc.). As we do this a great deal, and our projects are sympathetic to the surroundings and generally ‘small’ in scale, these appeals are professionally approached and looked upon favorably. Most importantly for you we undertake the process on your behalf.
What types of foundations are required?
Building codes dictate that we go beyond the frost line with the footings of the foundation (e.g. 4 feet in Southern Ontario ). This can be done in 3 basic ways;
Pier point foundation
Large ‘sono-tubes’ designed and positioned by the engineers, with a fully insulated floor deck system, is the most cost effective foundation.
4 foot crawl-space foundation
Commonly termed as a ‘full foundation’ this creates a full concrete perimeter to the addition. This foundation is commonly used when brick or stone is required for the outer face of the addition.
Full basement foundation
An extension of the 4 foot foundation, some homeowners like the extra space a basement foundation can provide to their home.
Whatever the outcome, our professionals at Britannia will determine which solution is best for you, your home, and your budget.
Are other colors available?
With our manufacturing partners we offer a colour bonding process, and offer any colour match to suit your existing trims or natural surroundings.
I hear a lot about the importance of the glass. Does it let a lot of heat through in winter and summer?
Glass technology has reached an exceptionally high level in comparison to years gone by. We at Britannia use our best glass available on all our projects. This means that you, the homeowner, are kept warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and most importantly harmful ultra violet light is kept to a minimum, meaning, your décor, furnishings and your family live in a safe and healthy environment.
How should I heat the room?
Any addition open to the home, without separating doors, requires calculations submitted to the Building Permit offices to justify the existing furnace. These are called HVAC calculations and are part of our turnkey package. If the furnace does not have enough capacity to tap into the existing ductwork and extend to the room (preferred option), a separate heat/ cool ductless conditioning unit can be specified to suit the project. These are both unobtrusive and highly efficient. Some homeowners choose to make a feature of a gas/propane stove or fireplace in their glass addition.
I have patio doors at the position of the room. Should they be left on, and can the room be opened up to the home?
Homeowner preference always determines the outcome. A Britannia room is designed to be open to the rest of the home and adjoining rooms, and can be spectacular if a large opening is created – sometimes the full width of the addition. Either way, it is your choice, and taste. The gallery and before and after pages will give you a clearer picture
The room is glass - is it secure and safe?
We use the finest safety glass available in the walls and the roof. All window openings come with individual locking mechanisms. The glass door system used by Britannia is a custom European styled French Door, with ‘5-way shoot bolts’ as a locking mechanism, making your glass addition a fortress from the outside.
We have an awkward roof line on our home - will this be a problem?
At Britannia we have provided solutions for most, if not all, awkward construction situations. Feel free to email a digital photo, for our technical team to assess, and help provide a solution. A site visit to your property can also resolve any concerns you may have. sales@britanniaconservatories.ca
How long will the project take?
Once the Building Permit has been issued and the room delivered, we will be at your home for approximately 4 weeks. Remember, we work external of the envelope of your home, so disruption is kept to a minimum.
I want the room as part of a larger renovation project, can you assist?
Yes, of course. At Britannia we provide similar services of an architect at a fraction of the cost, leaving room in your budget for the kitchen renovation of your dreams.
I am at the planning stage - when should I call you in?
We are ready when you are – Please contact through our web-page, by email or telephone (1-877-742-0766) to guide and advise you through the next stage of your project.